Health Benefits of Honey Lemon Drink

4. Removes Constipation
The early morning consumption of lemon honey water eases the stool removal. If you have chronic constipation then the consumption of lemon honey water will gradually reduce your constipation.
With constipation relieved, you will feel much better throughout the day.
Lemon juice lightens the body secretions and easily removes them from the intestine lining to move forward. This promotes easy emptying of the stomach.
Once constipation is resolved, lots of other related troubles such as bloating, gases and even acid reflux gets resolved.
5. Detoxifies the Body
Our body accumulates the toxins regularly, through the foods we eat and the air we breathe. Some of these toxins are unavoidable as we may not even be aware of them.
Contaminations of the food items with chemicals and fertilizers are out of your control as you buy them to make your meals or eat out.
The pollutants in the atmosphere enter your body through the air you breathe and the skin also absorbs them. They get accumulated in the body tissues and organs such as kidney and lever.
Lemon juice provides the required detoxifying impact of citrus fruit and honey makes it gentle on the innings making lemon honey water a very powerful and effective drink for detoxification of the body.
6. Improves Digestion
Honey acts as antibacterial agent and lemon helps to breakdown the food more efficiently. This lemon honey combination acts perfectly to improve digestion. The drink increases production of bile secretion resulting in better nutrient absorption also.
Undigested foods in the stomach can cause bloating and gases as the bacteria acts on it. The lemon honey helps in improving digestion leaving no undigested food in the system.

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