Health Benefits of Honey Lemon Drink

2. Removes Bad Breath
Lemon juice activates salivary glands and destroys the bacteria in the mouth. It therefore, also reduces tooth pain and can help treating gingivitis.
However, citric acid can erode your tooth enamel. Therefore, it is very important that you wash your mouth after drinking the lemon honey water. You can either use a mouth wash or use normal water gargling to remove traces of lemon on your teeth.
Since you are going to drink lemon honey water first thing in the morning, even before brushing your teeth, you may be tempted to brush your teeth immediately after the drink. Don’t do that. First gargle with plain water so that white brushing no lemon traces remain on the enamel.
3. Relieves Chest Congestion

Lozenges made of lemon and honey has been used for clearing cough and chest congestions for ages. You would have used them may times.
Lemon helps thinning the mucus so that you can cough it out easily. This continuous removal of cough from the chest reduces congestion. Honey also production of the phlegm. So the combination works well by reducing the phlegm and allowing the already produced phlegm to dislodge and get excreted by thinning it down.

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