The 20 Highest Protein Foods Per 100 Grams



5) Sockeye Salmon: 21.3 g Protein Per 100 g

Sockeye salmon is a delicious tasting fish with an excellent nutrition profile; it offers omega-3 fatty acids, a good source of protein, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

Among these micronutrients, salmon is an especially notable source of selenium and vitamin B12.

A typical 1/2 salmon fillet provides approximately 42 grams of protein.

To increase this amount still further, salmon tastes delicious when combined with a cheese and parsley sauce.

6) Lentils: 25.8 g Protein Per 100 g

Many plant-based foods that claim to be high in protein are not significant sources.

For example, broccoli is often promoted as a “protein-rich” vegan option. In reality, it contains less than three grams per 100 g.

In contrast, lentils genuinely are rich in protein. They are not a complete protein regarding their amino acid content, but they are one of the best sources for those who don’t eat meat.

A 1/2 cup serving provides around 25 grams of protein.

Lentils are also one of the best foods for people who prefer a higher carb diet, and they offer a good source of essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, and potassium.


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