Tennis Ball Tricks for Relieving Pain in your Back, Neck, Shoulders, Hip, Knees, Feet and more…

7. Hand massage

If your work entails a heavier use of your hands, you might end up having sore hands at the end of your day. Sitting down and place one hand on a ball. Place your other hand on the ball to exert pressure, and “crush” the ball by dropping your weight on it. Try staying in this position for up to a minute while breathing regularly and deeply. Now move the ball from side to side and then up and down, tracing the shape of an asterisk in the palm of your hand for 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat with the other hand once done.

You can also perform some of these exercises while standing and using wall as a support. Simply place the tennis ball on the tense area in your neck, shoulder or back, lean against the wall and roll the ball in circles with the movement coming from your knees.
While you may find tennis balls to be somewhat uncomfortable and hard initially, after performing these exercises, you’ll notice how your muscles are much more relaxed and you’ll be able to face everyday challenges with all the energy and vigor

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