Health benefits of strawberries

They are also common in CVD, and so another reason strawberries may be effective in reducing heart disease is that they reduce levels of CRP.

Fighting Cancer

As well as aiding in the fight against autoimmune diseases, strawberries are packed with antioxidants which help to fight cancer. Antioxidants fight off free radicals, which are atoms in the body with an unpaired electron. The free radical will attempt to find a particle to pair with its lone electron, and in doing so can cause massive damage and even death to cells in the body, including DNA. This damage can lead to the formation of cancer.
Antioxidants fight cancer in a number of ways. Vitamin C found in strawberries does so by boosting the immune system. Strawberries also contain ellagic acid, an antioxidant which supresses cancer cell growth. Lutein and zeathancins, also found in strawberries, fight free radicals by minimising the negative effects they can have on our cells.
A study by Chen et al (2011) has also shown that freeze-dried strawberry powder mixed into water can help to prevent oesophageal cancer. Patients at high risk of oesophageal cancer were prescribed either 30 or 60g of freeze-dried strawberry powder per day for six months.
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