Health benefits of strawberries

Maintaining Eye Health

As previously mentioned, vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables including strawberries. Not only is it good for promoting good immune system functioning, but it also can keep eyes healthy, and cataracts at bay. Cataracts are a clouding of the lens of the eye, caused by proteins in the lens clumping together as a result of both ageing and too much UV light exposure.
They are the world’s leading cause of blindness and vision impairment, and so preventing them is extremely important. There are enzymes in the eye which breakdown the damaged proteins to prevent them clumping together. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which can protect these important enzymes from being destroyed by free radicals.
Alongside preventing cataracts, vitamin C can also support the health of ocular blood vessels, meaning the eye is more likely to receive a healthy blood supply.  Furthermore, consuming vitamin C can prevent the development of Age-Related Mascular Degeneration (AMD), which is known as a ‘nutrition-responsive disorder’.
Vitamin C can slow the progression of AMD by as much as 25%, and so it is important to consume the recommended amount. 100g strawberries contain 98% of the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C, and so they are a great way to boost your vitamin C intake.
Alongside vitamin C, strawberries also contain potassium which can regulate eye pressure. This is what the optician is measuring when they administer a puff of air to each eyeball during an eye test. Eye pressure is important for eye health as untreated high ocular pressure can cause severe eye problems including blindness.
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