Eliminate Forward Head


The Biomechanical Cost
There is a simple ratio that summarizes the Biomechanical cost of a Forward Head. It is:
Add 12lbs to the head for each inch that it protracts forward.
Over time, those pounds can really add up and account for a lot of physiological energy wasted on just holding up your head alone.
Forward Head Alignment
Worst yet, the Biomechanical cost of a Forward Head doesn’t stop there. It will affect your running mechanics immensely too. In fact, you lose speed, longevity and distance with a Forward Head alignment because your body cannot properly align into a forward lean position, which is the foundation of bipedal running.
The Forward Head alignment will create too much of an angular displacement between the head and thoracic spine. This forces the pelvis and lumbar spine as well as the feet and knees to compensate in various ways, And it can overload the quads, and lead to heel striking, curling the spine, poor hip movement and more.
Top Down Approach Prescription
Fortunately, you can remodeling the Forward Head alignment, if you have it, with a series of soft tissue therapy techniques and mobility exercises. This remodeling process will take some time, in the range of 7-18 months, but it will be worth it for sure!
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. -Loa Tzu
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