Eliminate Forward Head

Last Step: Alignment
Now that your soft tissue is loosened up and stretched out, it will be easier to realign your head and neck into proper positioning.
Here are two simple techniques:
Neck Alignment - The Chin Tuck
Tucking the Chin
Place your fingers on your chin as you gaze at the horizon. Next, use your fingers and press your chin back in towards your throat as if you are intentionally giving yourself a double chin.
It is a common mistake to drop the head forward when you push your chin in towards your throat. Keep your eyes on the horizon and lengthen the back of the neck as you grow tall through the spine.
Hand on Back of the Head
Place a hand on the back of your head so it covers the rear bulge of your skull. Next, lift the bulge of the skull up toward the sky to lengthen the back of the neck as you tuck your chin in towards your throat.
Again, don’t let your head dip forward. Keep your eyes on the horizon and stay tall through your spine.
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