The Top 20 Foods High In Vitamin C



1) Green Bell Peppers

Green bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, and one medium pepper provides 159% of the DV .

Since this serving size only contains 23 calories, it is easy to see how dense in the vitamin green peppers are.

There are many different ways to include this nutritious fruit in your diet, and they work well in salads or as a “boat”.

For example, this “boat” name refers to stuffing peppers with meat, cheese, and vegetables, which is a delicious way to eat them.

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 80.4 mg (134% DV)
  • Calories: 20 kcal

2) Guava

Guava is a tropical fruit that is native to Mexico; it now grows throughout the world in countries including China, India, and Thailand.

The flesh of this unique fruit can be either sweet or sour depending on the ripeness of the fruit, and it is one of the best providers of vitamin C.

Surprisingly, just one small (55 g) guava contains 209% of the DV.

People usually eat guava raw, but it is prevalent throughout Mexican cuisine and drinks, sauces, and desserts often contain it.

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 228 mg (381% DV)
  • Calories: 68 kcal

3) Pummelo

Oranges are not the biggest provider of vitamin C, and they are not even the most significant citrus fruit source.

That honor belongs to pummelo fruit.

Notably, pummelo is one of the very highest vitamin C foods, and it supplies 193% of the DV per cup serving ).

Pummelo is an incredibly large citrus fruit which can weigh over 600 grams when fully grown.

The fruit looks similar to a grapefruit in appearance, but it is much larger and has a sweeter taste.

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 61 mg (102% DV)
  • Calories: 38 kcal



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