The Top 20 Foods High In Vitamin C


4) Cantaloupe Melon


With a sweet and juicy taste, cantaloupe is one of the most popular fruits in the world.

While several melons are a good source of vitamin C, cantaloupe melons offer the highest amount.

A one-cup serving provides 98% of the daily value for the vitamin .

However, cantaloupe is not only a source of vitamin C, and its orange flesh contains even more vitamin A carotenoids.

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 36.7 mg (61% DV)
  • Calories: 34 kcal

5) Strawberry

Strawberries are a favorite fruit for many people, and they taste delicious (especially with cream).

These attractive red berries are also a vitamin C rich food, and they contain 149% of the DV per cup .

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 58.8 mg (98% DV)
  • Calories: 32 kcal

6) Beef Spleen


Although most people assume animal foods contain no vitamin C, this is not strictly true.

Interestingly, all meat provides (a minimal) amount of the vitamin.

However, some cuts of meat are higher in vitamin C than others, and the spleen is the most concentrated source.

It probably is not for everyone, but beef spleen contains a similar amount of vitamin C as an orange; a 3 oz serving provides 71% of the DV .

While beef offal is rare to find in Western dishes, the spleen plays a role in Mediterranean dishes such as Greek spleen sausage and Italian spleen sandwiches.

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 50.3 mg (84% DV)
  • Calories: 145 kcal



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