The Top 20 Foods High In Vitamin C



10) Lime

Although the difference between lemons and limes is not significant, lemons tend to be sour while limes have more of a bitter taste.

Like its sibling, lime is relatively high in vitamin C, and one regular lime supplies 32% of the daily value .

We can use lime in many ways; it can flavor drinks, add a unique taste to dishes, or the brave people can even eat it whole.

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 29.1 mg (48% DV)
  • Calories: 30 kcal

11) Grapefruit

Grapefruit is another citrus fruit that is among the highest of vitamin C foods, and a cup serving contributes 120% of the DV .

In addition to vitamin C, grapefruit provides a good source of carotenoids and a small amount of potassium.

Although grapefruit is nowhere near the bitterness of lemon and lime, some people don’t enjoy the taste.

Tip: lightly salting grapefruit makes it taste sweeter.

Interestingly, activating sweet or salty taste receptors in the mouth affect our ability to perceive other tastes, including bitterness .

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 31.2 mg (52% DV)
  • Calories: 42 kcal

12) Pineapple

Similar to other yellow tropical fruits, pineapple is high in vitamin C and provides 131% of the DV per cup .

Aside from vitamin C, pineapple is also a significant source of the mineral manganese.

However, pineapple is quite high in fruit sugars, and total carbohydrate so watch your portions if you are on a lower carb diet.

Per 100 gram serving;

  • Vitamin C: 47.8 mg (80% DV)
  • Calories: 50 kcal


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