Intermittent Fasting Rules

When To Exercise

Exercising during your non-eating time frame is recommended.
If you’ve heard the phrase “fasted workout”, it was likely part of an intermittent fasting schedule. Trying to exercise, especially if it’s cardio, can be very challenging if you’re at the later stages of a fast but it’s proven to be effective for fat loss.
Your body will have a progression of preferred resources with calories consumed being at the top of the pecking order. When you don’t have calories from a meal in your system, your body is more likely to tap into fat stores for use while exercising.

Don’t Break Your Fast

The absolute most important rule is “don’t break your fast”.
It’s more important than how many calories you eat each day, or how you structure your meal timing. The core principle needed to take advantage of intermittent fasting is consecutive non-eating hours.
If you never enter this fasted state because you’re constantly snacking every few hours you won’t reap the rewards of improved blood sugar, increased growth hormones secretion, and decreased appetite.
Beware of foods that are labeled zero calorie, as most will have trace amounts of calories that can break your fast if you eat enough of it. Drink lots of water, and include a fiber source with your meals or use a supplement to help manage hunger cravings.

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