How To Increase Hair Growth?





how to increase hair growth


But trust nature to provide you with the solutions to all your problems. There are several remedies you can do to make your hair grow back faster and thicker. This article provides you with the complete information about slow hair growth including its probable causes and some effective home remedies.

Causes of slow hair growth

To stop this problem from recurring, one needs to address the root cause of it. Slow hair growth can be attributed to several factors:


Experts explain that our hair cells have three stages of development. After the completion of one cycle, a new hair strand begins to grow. Your hair only grows about only half an inch per month. However, the duration of the growth cycle of your hair can vary from that of others. Hence, genetics also play a role in the speed of hair growth.


Your scalp needs to breathe too and the cells need to be exposed to air. However, if you suffer from chronic dandruff, this fungal infection will make it very difficult for your hair to absorb any goodness from the products you might be using. Dandruff makes your scalp itchy and sore. It gathers around your hair follicles and does not allow any moisture to get absorbed. To some extent, it even feeds off your scalp. All these factors, in turn, lead to slow hair growth.

Using hot tools:

It is a known fact that heat can potentially damage the hair shaft and make the hair follicles quite dry. Using heat styling tools such as blow dryer, straightening irons, curling irons or heated hair rollers will subject your hair to quite a lot of damage. The heat from such tools tends to make the hair brittle and weak from the roots. As a result of the hair break more easily and the hair growth becomes slower. Heat also promotes conditions such as dandruff which has adverse effects on hair growth as well.



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