12 Surprising Health Benefits Of Cold Showers

Cold Shower Tips

don't do cold showers
Avoid taking cold showers if you have a heart condition, this includes the use of a pacemaker.
Also, avoid cold showers if you are pregnant or suffer from extreme adrenal fatigue because your body may not be able to adapt to the sudden temperature change.
If you are a complete newbie begin with tepid water and gradually let your body get used to taking a cold shower.
As time goes on your body will begin to adapt to the temperature change and you will begin enjoying many of the health benefits mentioned in this post.
We could go on and on about the benefits taking cold showers but you’re not going to really get any of those benefits until you try taking cold showers yourself for a couple of weeks.
So the next time you take a shower why don’t you turn that dial to the cold setting for a few minutes and see what benefits you notice.
cold shower benefits

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