10 Warning Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut and What to do About It

  1. Autoimmune Disease

Gut health has been linked to autoimmune disease.
Although experts aren’t sure exactly what causes autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and lupus, they do know that they occur when your immune system attacks its own healthy cells.

  1. Acid Reflux

Frequent, unrelenting acid reflux is often caused by an unhealthy gut.
This may explain why nothing seems to help your constant heartburn.
Acid reflux, bloating, and burping are often caused by a buildup of unhealthy bacteria in the GI tract and stomach.
Acid-reducing medications can actually help this bacteria thrive .  Normally, stomach acid kills the bad bacteria.
If you’re always neutralizing your stomach acid, however, you’re letting that bad bacteria grow.

  1. Yeast Infections

Yeast can grow out of control when your system is imbalanced. The imbalance in the gut can show up as digestive issues, fungal infections of the skin, constant fatigue or even fibromyalgia.
This can also cause a condition known as candida….Please Click “Next”or “Open”To Read More

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