10 Awesome Home Remedies To Get Rid of Sciatic Nerve Pain Fast!



The massage therapy can effectively treat sciatica pain and also supports the healing of the body, especially if the cause is a muscle spasm. It will release the tension, improve the range of motion, and stimulate blood circulation.

You can use St John’s Wort’s oil which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and soothes sciatica inflammation and pain. Massage the painful areas 2-3 times daily.

As the pain starts in the lower back and stretches along the thighs and buttocks, it is often related to the trigger points in the gluteus minimus and medius muscles, so a trigger-point massage at least once a day will provide great relief.

Additionally, you can mix a cup of sesame oil and 3 tablespoons of nutmeg powder, heat the mixture, leave it to cool, and use it for massaging. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Hot or Cold Compresses

The treatments with hot and cold compresses provide great relief in this case, as the cold numbs the pain and reduces the swelling around the sciatic nerve, while the heat relaxes the muscle which may cause the pressure on the nerve.

You can also combine the two and start with a hot and finish with a cold treatment.

For best effects, use a steamed towel for the hot compress. Apply the compress on the area and leave it to act for 15-20 minutes. Repeat on 2 hours for a quick pain relief.

However, you should not try this treatment if you have circulatory issues.


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