This is What 2 Cups of Coffee Per Day Can Do to Your Liver

Caffeine is Addictive

Caffeine can lead to addiction in some people. In case one consumes it regularly, coffee stops working, so a larger dose is needed. Despite developing tolerance, people can also experience withdrawal symptoms if abstaining from it, like a headache, tiredness, brain fog and irritability that can last for a few days.

Caffeine Can Cause Anxiety and Disrupt Sleep

The excessive consumption of caffeine can disrupt sleep and lower your sleep quality. Therefore, make sure you do not drink coffee late at night.

How to get the best out of your coffee

Decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine, but much less than regular coffee, as the coffee beans are being rinsed with solvent chemicals for a few times in order to lower the percentage of caffeine. Yet, it does not offer the same benefits as regular coffee.

To maximize the beneficial effects of your cup of coffee, do not add anything to it, like sugar or creamers. Make sure you brew it with a paper filter, as unfiltered coffee contains cafestol that raises cholesterol levels.

Note that pregnant women, anxious people, and individuals who suffer from insomnia or high blood pressure should avoid or severely limit coffee consumption.

Otherwise, if you love your cup of coffee, feel free to enjoy it, as its benefits far outweigh the negatives!

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