Choose A Brain-Healthy Diet



Olive Oil

The Mediterranean diet, rich in plant foods, has been shown to help preserve brain function and prevent cognitive decline as we age. Olive oil (EEVO), a key component of the Mediterranean diet, is why. Consuming olive oil on a regular basis protects memory and learning capacity.

Most importantly, olive oil in the diet reduces those classic markers of Alzheimer’s disease: amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. The olive oil works by reducing inflammation in the brain and also by activating the process that helps brain cells break down the plaques and tangles and clear them out of the brain.

To get the most out of your olive oil, be sure to purchase only extra virgin olive oil(EEVO). If the label says virgin or light, the beneficial fatty acids and polyphenols in the oil have been removed by processing.

Other, less helpful types of oil may have been added. Buy only organic EEVO and store it in the dark, cool place (the refrigerator is too cold) to keep it from going rancid. Use EEVO in dishes that are uncooked or cooked with low heat. At high temperatures, EEVO breaks down and become potentially harmful.

Despite following a strict diet, our body does not gain essential nutrients required for a healthy brain. That’s when a brain enhancement supplement comes into the picture. Have a look at Focus Factor Review to get more information about a brain enhancing supplement.