Choose A Brain-Healthy Diet



Protecting your brain from the damaging effects of free radicals is key to keeping it strong. One delicious way to get lots of protective antioxidants is to eat berries—especially blueberries. In fact, US Department of Agriculture research shows that of all foods, blueberries score highest for antioxidant capacity per serving, beating out 24 other fruits and 23 vegetables.

Blueberries get potent antioxidant capacity (and their blue color) from a natural substance called anthocyanin. Interestingly, anthocyanin can cross the blood-brain barrier, so it gets where it needs to go to protect your neurons from free radicals.

Results from the long-running Harvard Nurses’ Health Study of 16,000 women over the age of 70 found that eating just a couple of servings a week of blueberries or strawberries helped older women stay mentally sharper compared to similar women who didn’t eat berries. Animal studies strongly suggest that blueberries can improve balance and motor function.

When buying blueberries, look for organically grown brands. If you can’t find organic berries, buy the regular kind and rinse them thoroughly under cold water. Organic frozen blueberries have as much benefit as fresh. They’re easier to find and are less expensive; use them in smoothies and in cooking.


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