Choose A Brain-Healthy Diet



Fatty Fish

More than half of your brain is made up of fatty acids, the building blocks of the fats your brain needs to stay strong. The best fatty acids for the brain are called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Your body builds these substances from omega-3 fatty acids.

The best way to give your brain plenty of DHA and EPA is to eat it, in the form of fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel.

When you eat these fish, you’re making sure your brain has the omega-3 fatty acids it needs to build strong neuronal membranes, helps reduce inflammation, produce neurotransmitters, and conduct signals. Research shows that people who eat fish on a regular basis have a slower cognitive decline as they get older.

In fact, one study showed that eating fatty fish three times a week reduced the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by almost 40 percent.

Farm-raised salmon and other fish are fed on food that’s mostly made from corn. They don’t develop the same level of omega-3 fatty acids. Choose wild-caught fish whenever possible. Canned tuna is a popular way to get omega-3s, but be sure to choose the right kind.

Look for albacore tuna canned in water; it has about ten times as much EPA as light canned tuna. Canned salmon has almost as much omega-3s per serving as fresh.



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