5 Foods Rumored To Help Keep Your Ladyparts Healthy, Examined

5. Garlic

What It’s Supposed To Do: Garlic’s antifungal properties are supposed to help fight off yeast infections.
What The Research Says: Sad news for your hippie friend from college who was always trying to get you to put a clove of garlic in your vagina every time you got a weird itch down yonder — no scientific research has proven that squatting on a clove will clear up a yeast infection. Studies assessing whether consuming garlic orally helps fight yeast infections have been equally inconclusive. According to ob-gyn and researcher Paul Nyirjesy, speaking to Scientific American, “There have been some animal studies that look interesting. Theoretically it makes a lot of sense. But you don’t know how much garlic you need or how effective it is.”
Should You Eat It?: There’s no firm guarantee that garlic will clear up your yeast infection. But garlic is full of antioxidants, and some research suggests that it can support the immune system, helping people fight ailments from the common cold to cancer. So, yeah, might as well eat a little of that.

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