16 Ways to Detox Your Lymphatic System

6. Go for a walk

Fact: One of the best ways to activate lymphatic flow is to take a brisk walk. Walking is a weight-bearing activity that creates gravitational pulls on the lymphatic system each time you take a step.
Tip: Plan to take a 15-30 minute brisk walk each day. Swing your arms and power walk for the best results.  If you are not up to that, even a leisurely walk will be helpful.

7. Jump on a rebounder

Fact: The use of a small trampoline – a “rebounder” – is one of the most efficient ways to reduce lymphatic congestion, stimulate lymph flow, and exercise every cell in the body. Gentle up and down bouncing  turbo charges lymph function. The gravitational pull caused by the bouncing causes the one-way lymphatic valves to open and close, moving the lymph.
Tip: To get the most benefit out of rebounding, start with The Health Bounce – gently bouncing up and down without your feet leaving the mat. This is a very low impact exercise and very effective at moving your lymphatic system – just two minutes clears the lymph. Build up intensity slowly as rebounding can release too many toxins if you jump in too fast.

8. Bounce on an exercise ball

Fact: If you don’t have a rebounder, you can utilize the same gravitational pull principle as the rebounder by using an inexpensive exercise ball or yoga ball.
Tip: Always start with a short bouncing time and simple, gentle movements. Even small movements for short periods of time can be very effective in moving the lymph. Build up the intensity of the exercise slowly. Video demonstration: Rebounding [with a Fit Ball] to Activate the Lymphatic System.
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