10 Home Remedies for Sinus Infections

10. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Used as a powerful natural antibiotic, grapefruit seed extract can treat several bacteria and fungi.
If you have a sinus infection, the best way to use grapefruit seed extract is to purchase it as a nasal spray.

How to Prevent Sinus Infections

The best way to battle a sinus infection is to prevent it altogether. Preventing a sinus infection might not be as easy as it sounds, but if you stick to several precautionary measures and follow some simple rules, you can get there. The first step is to avoid colds. Avoiding colds is the best way to maintain healthy sinuses, and while it is easier said than done, it can be done. Physicians recommend several steps towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle that can prevent colds and sinus infections.
Start by considering some changes in your lifestyle, especially in the exercise area. People who exercise have a healthier immune system, and their body is better prepared to fight off the common cold.
The next step is to change your diet to a healthier way of eating. Most colds are actually caused by a virus, not bacteria. With healthy nutrients, your body will have enough vitamins and bacteria to fight off a cold even before it happens. Antibiotics do not work on colds because they are designed to treat bacteria, not viruses.
Adequate sleep is another way to prevent sinus infections and colds. Getting little to no sleep puts enormous pressure on your metabolism, immune system and body to perform. And your body cannot protect itself without proper sleep—the time needed to rejuvenate and refresh the system.
Next step on the list to change your lifestyle is to eliminate excess stress. Now, in this stressful and dynamic world we live, minimizing stress is easy to say, but hard to do. However, meditation, finding 30 minutes for yourself during the day, and exercise are ways to do it.
Once you change your lifestyle, the next step to preventing sinus infections is to protect your home. First off, you need to allergy-proof your home, since allergies are your worst enemy for sinus pain and infection. A few measures you can take are to install an air filter system, use bedding with allergen barriers, and keep pets away from the bedroom.
Check with the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery for additional tips for allergy-proofing your home. Last, but not least, remember to purchase a humidifier, a device that keeps the air moist. Just make sure to keep your humidifier clean at all times.

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