10 Home Remedies for Sinus Infections

How Home Remedies for Sinus Infection Work

As mentioned, a sinus infection is nasal blockage, and, therefore, most of the home remedies target the blockage and inflammation. The goal with home and natural remedies is to clear the passageway of the mucus and eliminate infection.
Several cleanses can be used for achieving these results, and we will take a look at some of the most effective. And the best part is, most of the home remedies for sinus infection also boost your immune system, helping you maintain an effective, active and healthy immune system.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Known popularly as a “do-it-all-home-remedy,” apple cider vinegar can be used in two ways for sinus infection. The first and standard way is to include apple cider vinegar in your daily diet, as the vinegar delivers a number of healthy nutrients and vitamins that support a healthy immune system. However, once a sinus infection has developed, apple cider vinegar has another usage.
How to do it:
Dilute a few drops of apple cider vinegar into water, and then use it as a rinse to thin the mucus. A few days are more than enough to eliminate the sinus infection. If you like, you can prepare a bigger dose and store it to use a few times daily for few days.

2. Saline Rinse

One of the most commonly used and most effective home remedies for sinus infection is a saline rinse. You need only two ingredients:

  • sea salt
  • water

How to do it:
Mix the two ingredients together, in a ratio that favors water. Use the solution as a rinse, and you will instantly loosen the mucus that is blocking your nasal passage. A saline rinse also prevents the resurgence of the sinus infection…Please Click “Next”or “Open”To Read More

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