Your Blood Type Can Reveal a Lot of Things About Your Health


Your Blood Type Can Reveal a Lot of Things About Your Health


Blood Type A: very fertile; prone to drinking

People with this blood type are at very high risk of developing stomach cancer. Women with blood type A are considered to be very fertile but they are at high risk of getting stomach cancer, especially if they consume a lot of alcohol and cigarettes. Experts think that people with blood type A are prone to become alcoholics and to suffer from OCD.

Blood Type B: increased risk of developing ulcers; better metabolism

People with blood type B are at bigger risk of getting pancreatic cancer. They also can have memory problems and are prone to getting Alzheimer’s at an elder age. People that have this blood type are prone to getting ulcers and inflammation caused by bacteria. On the other hand, these people have a better metabolism and can easily gain muscle mass.

Blood Type AB: prone to getting a heart attack; have better sight

Women with this blood type are at higher risk of getting ovarian cancer and pregnant women are at higher risk of developing high blood pressure. People that have blood type AB are prone to suffering from heart diseases and digestive problems. The best thing about people with blood type AB is that they’re more immune to stress and have better sight.

Blood Type O: lower risk of getting a heart attack; fertility problems

People with this blood type are at lower risk of getting heart attack and stomach cancer. Men with blood type 0 are prone to obesity and women have bad quality eggs that can cause fertility problems. The good side about people with blood type 0 is that they’re more immune to stress.


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