How to Manage It All: Work, Side Hustles, Eating Healthy, Staying Fit, Relationships, Etc.

If it takes less than five minutes, do it

This simple rule has been a life changer for me. If I notice I am procrastinating on something I think to myself, “No that’ll take a couple minutes, just do it.” And then I do it.
Some examples:
-washing the dishes right after using them
-taking the trash out
-emptying out your gym bag
-packing your gym bag
-making the bed
-lay out your work/gym clothes for the next morning
-responding to an e-mail
-tidying your room
These tasks may seem so minuscule and unimportant, but living by this rule does a couple of things for you:
1) you’ll gain more confidence and trust in YOURSELF because you’re getting these things done and not allowing yourself to push them off
and 2) you’re making your life so much easier by just getting whatever it is out of the way.

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