How to Manage It All: Work, Side Hustles, Eating Healthy, Staying Fit, Relationships, Etc.

Outside of my work/side hustles, my Saturday afternoons and evenings are typically spent with my boyfriend and my Sundays are for meal prepping, cleaning, and getting everything ready for the week.
Similarly, routines set you up for success.
For example, waking up early and on time will allow you to squeeze in things that you enjoy during the first couple hours of your day (meditating, reading, getting ready without rushing, slowly sipping your coffee). Or going to the gym right after work removes the temptation to relax at home. These routines build habits and you’ll only get better at them!

Opportunity cost/Sacrifices

Life will never be 100% balanced. That’s just reality. If you want to focus on something specific in your life other areas will likely receive less attention.
As Gary Keller wrote in The One Thing, “Extraordinary results require focused attention and time. Time on one thing means time away from another. This makes balance impossible.”
For me I don’t spend much time doing “recreational/fun” activities. Why? I would rather be blogging or editing to work toward my future. That is something I willingly sacrifice, I’ve come to accept, and actually prefer.
If you want to lose weight you’re gonna have to spend more time at the gym and less time drinking/eating out with friends.
If you want to run your own business you’re gonna have to give up watching tv all the time and scrolling through social media.
If you want to travel the world, you’ll probably sacrifice a lot of time with family/friends.
What sacrifices are you willing to make to get what you want? That’s the important question here.
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