Burn Fat, Reduce Anxiety And Reset Hormones With Tulsi Tea



Benefits of holy basil

Nowadays, the holy basil is mostly used in the form of tulsi tea or supplement form. Mostly, it is used for treating acne, high blood sugar, anxiety, adrenal fatigue and thyroid problems.

  1. Acne

Some researchers from Thailand have conducted a study in order to find out whether the essential oils of tulsi can fight the bacteria that causes acne and provide optimal skin care. When the antimicrobial capability was being tested, researchers discovered that a 3 percent concentration of tulsi is the most potent substance against the bacteria that can cause acne. Eugenol, which is the primary compound of Tulsi is an active ingredient in the potent clove oil. One of the very celebrated benefits of the clove’s oil is that it effectively treats numerous skin conditions. If using tulsi for treating acne, please make sure to use unrefined virgin coconut oil as a carrier because when melted, it can be absorbed into the skin far more quickly than any other oil.

  1. Cancer

In accordion to one review published in Nutrition and Cancer, the holy basil contains potent immune-boosting as well as anti-inflammatory properties that can protect against pain, stress as well as fever. So, the people who consume holy basil on a daily basis are much less susceptible to poor immunity and developing cancerous cells. Contained phytochemicals in holy basil protect against lung, oral, liver and skin cancer. The tulsi extract can prevent radiation- induced mortality and sickness and are known to protect the normal tissues from the rough effects of radiation.

  1. Diabetes

The holy basil’s ability to keep blood glucose in check has been widely known since the mid-1900s. For example, in order to investigate its ability to reverse and treat diabetes, a team of researchers from Azad University of Agriculture and Technology (India) have studied the effects that holy basil leaves has on rats. The group that has been given holy basil has showed incredible results. The fasting glucose dropped by 21mm/dl, post meal glucose dropped by 15.8 mm/dl, which showed a reduction of 17.6 percent and 7.3 percent. Additionally, the cholesterol levels were also hugely decreased. A research that was published in the Journal od Ethnopharmacology, has proved that the extract of tulsi has decreased glucose by more than 36 percent in normal rats and up to 18 percent in diabetes-induced rats.


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