7 Natural Ways To Fight Anxiety, Stress And Depression


At night, some of us turns of the brain and some the body, and when you shut down the body, chamomile can help you. It was being proven that the chamomile, when taken as a tea, it reduces the intensity of muscle cramps and successfully calms the body but pregnant women who are allergic to hay and ambrosia have previously consult a doctor before starting to use chamomile.

Dark chocolate

There is a nice surprise for the chocolate lovers, that there is a reason to consume chocolate regularly. Taking forty grams reduces the level of stress hormones cortisol and catecholamine release, and it is good for anti anxiety and you are enjoying chocolate because it releases endorphins in the brain and you are perfectly happy.

Valerian plant

People have rested for centuries by the help of the valerian, and its first use was by the Hippocrates and the valerian acted as a body sedative. It is inside fifty forms, as juices, tea, pills, drops and so on.

Lemon grass

The balm from lemon, Melissa or lemon grass is the most commonly used drug against mental problems, and the phytotherapeutics especially emphasize the beneficial effects of the tea in case of depression, tension, anxiety, headache, insomnia, vomiting and irregular menstruation caused by stress, and its best effect is achieved if using a fresh herb that can be combined with some other medicinal herbs with similar effects, for example the valerian, lavender and chamomile.

Hops hop

This one is also known as an outstanding natural sedative, so it is widely used to treat diseases of the nervous system. This herb’s extract acts effectively against milder depressive symptoms, tension, irritability, insomnia and it contains in itself high percentage of hormones like estrogen.

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