10 Tough Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Immediately!



Again, make sure you’re engaging your core, not your neck. If you’re feeling a pull in your neck, refocus your energy into your abs. Move Targets: Core Step 1: Lie on your back, extend your arms and lift your legs until your heels are facing the ceiling. Step 2: Keeping your legs straight, lift your shoulders off the Øoor and try to touch your feet. Repeat this move for 60 seconds. Make sure you’re using your core to lift your shoulder blades off the mat. If you feel the strain in your neck, you need to focus the movement in your core. The #1 Rated Abs Program on the Internet.

The wood chopper is a great move because not only is it great for your abs, but it target all the other main muscles in your body! Move Targets: Shoulders and Core Step 1: Hold the med ball or weight in both hands and bring it to one side of your body as you come into a half squat. Your chest and shoulders and turn toward the ball, but your hips and knees will face forward. Step 2: Come out of the squat as your bring the weight diagonally across the body. The weight should be higher than your head at full extension. Keep your elbows soft and your hips facing forward. This will protect the knees and lower back from unnecessary twisting. Step 3: Bring the ball back to the starting point without bending the elbows. This means the weight stays an arm’s-distance away from you at all times.

Incorporating yoga into this workout really helps with your strength and balance! Here’s how to do it. Move Targets: Upper/lower abdominal muscles Step 1: Have a seat on the ground with your knees bent and your feet Øat on the Øoor. Lean your upper body back to about a 45-degree angle. Keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Step 2: Pick your feet up off the Øoor and try to extend your legs so they are straight. Extend the arms so your hands graze the sides of your knees. Hold this pose.

Modi×cation (Advanced): Pulse your arms up and down. Pick your feet up off the Øoor and try to extend your legs so they are straight. Extend the arms so your hands graze the sides of your knees. Hold this pose. Drop up to 20 lbs off your belly in only 3 weeks using this weird trick.
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