10 Tough Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Immediately!


This move will ensure that your hamstrings and glutes are feeling the burn as well as your abs! Move Targets: Gluteus, hamstring and abdominal muscles Step 1: Lie face up with your knees bent, feet hipwidth apart and arms by sides with palms down. Step 2: Slowly lift your hips off the ground until you form a diagonal line from knees to shoulders. Try to keep your abs tight as you lift your hips higher. Raise butt as high up as you can, keeping your glutes squeezed tight. Hold for a 5 count and lower back down to mat. Modi×cation (beginner): Lower the height of your lift.

Mountain climbers will work your core as well as get your heart rate up for maximum fatburning!
Move Targets: Total body Step 1: Get in a push up position. Your body should be in a straight, diagonal line from your head to your toes. Step 2: Raise your right knee toward your chest. Step 3: Return to starting position and repeat with left leg. That’s one rep. Step 4: Alternate legs quickly for 60 seconds. Modi×cation (Beginner):Decrease your speed and range of motion. Drop up to 20 lbs off your belly in only 3 weeks using this weird trick.

This move is not for the fainthearted! Prepare to use your core and jump to the sky for a toned tummy! Move Targets: Total body Step 1: To begin, lie on your back with arms at your sides and palms facing down. Lift your butt and lower back up in the air so that the bottoms of your feet are facing the ceiling. Step 2: In one Øuid motion, lower your back and legs and transition to your feet while jumping in the air as high as you can with arms extended straight overhead. That is one rep. Do as many as you can within 60 seconds.
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