Humans have four blood type categories, each blood type tells a story of an individual’s ancestry, what foods are best, and even what exercises render the best results for mind, body, and soul.

There are four principle types: A which is for Agrarian, B for Bavarian, O for Original hunter, and AB is the most modern blood type and has the best immune system. Still there exists another 400 subcategories for blood types, these all determine an individual’s health profile, it is also important to note that these aspects will refine ones directional compass. Therefore the following is mostly an outline to help you get started in understanding your health in relation to your blood type.


Foods that benefit your blood type:

  • Blood type A: Vegetarian based diet with fish, chicken, and yogurt. Avoid legumes, spicy foods, dehydration, and coffee.
  • Blood type B: Dairy, mutton, fish, vegetables, tea and grains suit this blood type best. Avoid alcohol, preservatives, and excessive noise.
  • Blood type O: Meat, fish, vegetables, and fasting. Avoid dairy, processed foods, and over-eating.
  • Blood type AB: This is considered the modern blood type, therefore they can digest anything efficiently. Its is recommend to eat organic, fresh live foods, as eating fried (etc) foods take away from your energy.

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