Unbelievable: Eat 5 walnuts and wait for 4 hours


Walnuts are important. Not only they are full of healthy nutrients, but they contain phenols, vitamin E and loads of antioxidants which may have a surprising effect on overall health.

Add just 5 walnuts a day into your everyday regime and you’ll experience surprising health benefits.
–         Reduces weight
–         Reduces the chance to develop a heart disease
–         Improves brain activity
–         Reduces cholesterol

–         Increases the sperm count in the male population
–         Reduces the risk of diabetes
–         Prevents cancer
–         Strengthens out the bones
The effects from walnuts are enormous. They come only hours after consuming them. With their healthy nutrients fuel the body until the next meal.
They are also good for reducing stress.
Antioxidants within them are good for the heart and fight free radicals which are known to cause heart diseases.

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the feeling of depression and prevent artery clog.


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