Start Strength Training After 60 With These Targeted Moves


The options for your core are endless and varied. There are five basic types of core exercises: those that round your lower spine, those that round your upper spine, exercises that arch your spine, those that twist or side bend the spin, and exercises with that utilize a neutral spine.
By the age of 60, many people suffer from slouching issues, so exercises such as reverse crunches, which round the spine, are nonessential. Exercises that arch your spine and place dangerous loads on the lumbar, including Supermans, should be done with extra caution, as should any twisting or bending movements. Thus, after hitting the 6-0, it’s recommended that you focus on core exercises that maintain a neutral spine. The basic plank is a superstar move that will challenge the abs in unexpected ways. If getting down on the floor is too difficult or impossible, try using an elevated surface such as your kitchen counter or the arm of your couch, instead. The higher the surface, the easier the move will be to perform. You can also start with your knees on the ground to build strength, before gradually progressing to a full plank.

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