One Simple Move for Insanely Toned Legs


To start, stand with your feet hip-distance apart. If you’ve never done a barre workout before, or this move is new to you, use the back of a sturdy chair or hold the end of a countertop for stability. Lift your heels and roll up on the balls of your feet, then bend your knees as low as you can for a good challenge.
Now you have two options:

  1. Keep your knees bent, heels high, and hold in this position for a set amount of time (start at 30 seconds and build up). If you aren’t feeling challenged, lower your body closer to the floor. You make start shaking or feel burning in your legs. That means it’s working!
  2. For an added challenge, keep your body as low as possible then push yourself lower 1 – 2 inches closer to the ground, then back to the original position. Continue to execute these very small, controlled pulses.

Once you have mastered your form and can do this for an extended period of time, try taking a balance by releasing your hands from the surface you are using to stabilize your body.
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