Here’s What Happens If You Massage It Every Day-It’s Called “The Point Of A Hundred Diseases”


Make sure you are relaxed before you start the massage. It is also recommended that you are seated. Take deep breaths and think positively.

Start massaging the spot on each leg in 9 circular movements. Make circular, clockwise movements. Perform massage in the morning, before lunch.

It is not advised to do this in the evening, since it can cause insomnia. The massage should last 10 minutes. You can do massage with your fingers or even with grains like buckwheat, oats, rice, and the like, or garlic cloves.

Moreover, you can apply garlic clove cut in half and apply on point. Leave it for 2 hours until you notice redness.

The time of day is also relevant in getting the best results from this massage. If you massage the Zu San Li point clockwise in the morning, 8 days before the New Moon, this will improve your immunity and ameliorate each body organ performance.

Massaging this point right before lunch will improve your memory, your cardiovascular and digestive system.

If you do this after lunch, it will help get rid of headaches, insomnia, anxiety, stress and tension. Finally, if you massage this point on both legs, clockwise, in the evening, you will speed up the metabolism and lose weight easily.