How to Stop Your Cuticle Skin from Peeling


3Avoid drying agents. Having dry hands can accelerate the cracking and peeling of cuticles, so make sure to protect them from any unnecessary exposure to drying agents.
  • Frequently washing the dishes in hot, soapy water can be very drying for your hands, so protect them by wearing rubber gloves every time you do the washing up.
  • If you don’t like wearing the gloves, then at least invest in a more moisturizing dish soap designed to hydrate hands as you wash. When your nails get wet, make sure they thoroughly dry.
  • Steer clear of acetone-based nail polish removers, as these sap moisture from your nails like nobody’s business. You should also try to keep hand washing to a minimum, as frequent washing removes important natural oils from the surface of the skin and nails.


4Eat a healthy diet. A healthy, balanced diet will provide the vitamins and minerals your body needs for healthy hair, skin, and nails. Your cuticles will be moist, and your nails will grow more quickly. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, choosing organic options when you can.
  • To strengthen your nails, eat more eggs, almonds, strawberries, chicken, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, lentils, watermelon, bell peppers, and whole grains.

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