How to Get Rid of Chest Congestion with Natural Remedies

Method 3: Use Steam with Essential Oils

The best way to break up congestion is to steam it out with essential oils. Steam carries the essential oil vapors through the nasal cavity to the area gripped with congestion. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of essential oils make them effective against the infection that’s causing the congestion.
Eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils are the most appropriate choices when it comes to decongestion, as both are effective in clearing out the nasal passages. Eucalyptus oil is considered an excellent expectorant. Not only does peppermint oil soothe and calm the body, it also has analgesic properties.
Things you’ll need:

  • Water – 2 cups
  • Eucalyptus essential oil (clears nasal passage) – 5 to 10 drops
  • Peppermint essential oil (soothes and calms your body)– 5 to 10 drops

Step 1. Boil the water and pour it into a bowl

  • Pour 2 cups of water into a pan and bring it to a boil.
  • Pour the steaming hot water into a bowl.

Step 2. Add in the essential oils

    • Put 5 to 10 drops each of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils into the bowl of steaming water.

    Step 3. Steam out the congestion

    • Cover your head with a towel, making a sort of tent to trap the steam.
    • Bend over the bowl to breathe in the vapors of the essential oils. As your nasal passages start opening, breathe in as slow and deep as you can.

    Repeat 2 or 3 times daily until the congestion goes away.

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