Enjoy 5 Benefits of Sunshine


Helps Psoriasis, Eczema, and Acne. Mild sun exposure can help to relieve skin conditions. The World Health Organization has recommended sun exposure or UV light boxes for the relief of psoriasis, eczema, and acne.
Reduce Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer. Studies have shown a 60% drop in cancer rates for people with adequate vitamin D levels.  Drs. Frank and Cedric Garland from the University of California who observed that cancer rates were 3 times higher in New York than in New Mexico. 60% is a huge drop just from enjoying the benefits of sunshine. What an easy way to reduce your cancer risk.
Improves Brain Function.Neuroscientist David Llewellyn of the University of Cambridge studied vitamin D levels in elderly patients and discovered the level of vitamin D was in direct correlation with the mental cognitive function. The lower the levels of the vitamin the lower the brain function. Sunlight helps stimulate the brain to organize and store memories.
These health benefits came from mind sun exposure, not burning or frying your skin in the sun all day long. Sun exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer so use caution when sunning yourself.
If it’s winter time and you are not getting outdoors as much as you need to or you think you could use a little extra vitamin D3…here is the liquid D3 we use and love!
Don’t underestimate the benefits of sunshine and how it can lower inflammation, increase mood and refresh your body.


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