DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner

And that’s it, super fast and easy! Now you can go have fun with your friends this fall looking all beautiful and fresh thanks to your clean brushes! And why is that I am so excited about having clean brushes? Well, is because using the same dirty brushes every day/weeks can cause acne, there is so much bacteria, grease and flemish that gets stuck in all you favorite brushes every time you use them that with every use you keep adding and adding more and more, so we definitely don’t want to have any of those shenanigans this season, am I right?

Also, don’t forget to use a moisturizer, with cold weather coming it’s hard to keep your face properly hydrated so always carry your fav moisturizer everywhere you go and use it before you put your makeup on, believe me your skin will definitely thank you in the long run.

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