Breast Cancer: Don’t Ignore the Early Signs

Irregular bladder movement

Irregular bowel movement occurs as a result of hormonal and chemical imbalance. Women with breast cancer experience a change in their hormones, and as a result, their urethra dries out and they experience urinary incontinence.
Some of the symptoms that appear due to irregular bladder and bowel movement include leaking of urine while sneezing, coughing or laughing. And women with breast cancer feel the urge to urinate often and frequently. In addition, their urination takes longer.

Back pain

You’re probably wondering how back pain can be an early sign of breast cancer. It’s simple: it has to do with the mechanics of the body. When breast tumors are developing, they put pressure on the ribs and the spine. As a result, you experience upper back pain. But we have differentiate between back pain from herniated disc and spondylitis and breast cancer. For the latter, the pain feels like it comes from deep within the bones.
So you need to be aware of any changes in your upper back, neck, and spinal column. If you notice unexplainable pain in the upper back, it’s time to visit a physician.
With upper back pain, we conclude the early signs of breast cancer. I would also like to share some of the later breast cancer symptoms with you, and explain the difference between cancer types.

Later symptoms of breast cancer

If you ignore the early signs of breast cancer, your cancer will progress and spread. As a result, you’ll experience more severe symptoms and signs, such as:

  • Visible veins on the breast
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Vaginal pain
  • Orange peel texture on the skin
  • Enlargement of one breast
  • Dimpling of the breast surface
  • Unintentional weight loss

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