8 Simple Ways To Treat Hair Loss At The Temples

Thinning hair can be annoyingly unpleasant. Especially when it starts at your temples, and simple things like putting your hair up in a ponytail become a matter of concern. Temple hair loss in females is common and dealing with it can be quite hard, but understanding hair loss and its causes can tremendously help find a solution. Keep reading to find out what causes hair loss at the temples and how you can regrow temple hair naturally.

What Is Temple Hair Loss?

Temple hair loss is the thinning of hair at the temples. Although this kind of hair loss is common in both men and women, it is characteristic of male pattern baldness where thinning starts at the temples rather than from the top of the head. However, if you are losing hair at the temples, it is likely that you are losing hair from the top of your head as well. Temple hair loss can also just take place on just one side.

What Causes Temple Hair Loss?

More often than not, hair loss at the temples is a genetically inherited condition. In some cases, it is also caused due to the overuse of hair extensions, of wearing braids and hair styles which are too tight. Even thyroid conditions and hormonal imbalances caused due to issues such as PCOS can lead to this kind of hair loss.

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