#1.  Stronger nails and healthier hair

This was actually one of the first benefits that I’ve noticed when we changed to the plant-based way of life, and we  are happy to say that because who doesn’t want beautiful shiny hair and stronger nails?


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#2.  Decreased menstrual pain

Since the vegan diet is loaded with fruits and veggies you’ll notice this benefit right away!

If you suffer from cramps very badly, then foods like bananas, oranges, brown rice, almond butter, broccoli, spinach, and even dark chocolate are among those things that were recommended to alleviate them.



#3.  Clearer skin

You’ll notice clearer skin almost immediately after you cut dairy out!

Fruits and vegetables are high in essential vitamins and antioxidants and they are also the building blocks for radiant skin, so naturally, you are already in a good place if you are heading for clearer skin by going plant-based.

#4.  Healthier gut

Typically, when people are transitioning over to a plant-based diet they will most likely experience having to go to the bathroom more frequently than before.

Just know that this is a good sign that you are eating a lot more produce then you were before.

Produce contains a lot of fiber and fiber is the best natural flushing agent which aids a healthier gut.


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#5.  Your body odor smells great

You’ll notice this when you are suddenly breaking a sweat and your smell won’t be half as strong as it used to be when you were eating meat. See for yourself when you are two weeks in!

This is very interesting because I didn’t know that it would transition to the way I would smell things or the way I smelt as a person but it’s definitely a benefit. 


#6.  Taste-buds change for the better

Your body starts to actually crave more of the good stuff when it gets used to the lifestyle, so naturally, your taste buds will start to change too.

You’ll be able to taste things so much better than ever before.

It’s as if your previous meat buds will have worn away and your actual sense of taste will be restored.

#7.  Afternoon fatigue disappears

Let’s talk about vitality levels! Because who doesn’t want more energy these days?!

You’ll notice that since you aren’t eating any fatty greasy animal products, your body will be spending less energy on digestion so that in turn will take away your afternoon fatigue.

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