6 Core Exercises for New Moms with Diastasis Recti

5. Standing Thigh Toner

How to: Standing on your right leg, with knee slightly bent and hands on your stomach. Your left leg should be just slightly out in front of you, toes on the floor and pointing slightly outward (a). Inhale and then on a forceful exhale, lift your left leg up toward the ceiling, just a slight bend in your knee. You should feel your abs pull in and up toward your spine (b). Return your foot back to the floor and repeat (c). Do 20 reps, then switch sides. Perform two sets.

6. Triceps Kickbacks

How to: Holding a light dumbbell (2 to 5 pounds) in each hand, stand with feet hip-width apart, slight bend in your knees. Lean slightly forward at the hips and pull your elbows back so your hands are at your waist. This is your starting position (a). With palms facing each other, straighten your arms back behind you on a forceful exhale. Remember to pull your belly button in and up toward your spine (b). Bend your elbows again to return to the starting position (c). Repeat for 20 reps and two sets.

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