20 Cancer Symptoms That Women Often Ignore

Weakness and fatigue
Generalized fatigue and weakness is a symptom of many different types of cancer that must be considered in combination with other symptoms. If you feel exhausted, without explanation, and do not respond to more sleep, talk to your doctor
Abdominal bloating or weight gain
Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer say they noticed unexplained bloating that came quite rapidly, and continued over a long period of time (as opposed to a few days each month during PMS). This is one of the main ways they knew that something was wrong.
A feeling of fullness and the inability to eat
This is another sign of ovarian cancer, women say that they have no appetite and cannot eat, even when they have not eat for some time. Any woman who experiences bloating visible more than 13 times over a period of a month, especially if accompanied by pelvic pain, should call the doctor and ask for a pelvic ultrasound.
Pain in the pelvis or abdomen
By itself, pelvic pain can mean many things. In fact, it is a common symptom of fibroids, ovarian cysts, and other disorders of the reproductive tract. Make sure that your doctor looks at all possible explanations and opinions, as pain and cramping in the pelvis and abdomen can go hand in hand with bloating that often signals ovarian cancer. Leukemia can also cause pain in the abdomen as a result of an enlarged spleen.
Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool
“I thought it was hemorrhoids” is one of the most common things doctors hear when diagnosing colorectal cancer. Blood in the stool is the only reason to call the doctor and do a colonoscopy.
Unexplained weight loss
If you notice the pounds coming off and you have not made any changes in diet or exercise regimen, you should ask why. Weight loss is an early sign of colon cancer and other cancers of the digestive tract, but can also be a sign of cancer that has spread to the liver. It affects the appetite and the body’s ability to get rid of waste products.
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