18 Warning Signs That Cancer is Growing in Your Body (Don’t Ignore Them!)

15-Heavy and frequent periods

Doctors usually relate these signs to uterine and endometrial cancer. Make sure you get a vaginal ultrasound so that you can rule out cancer.

16-Changes on the nails

Changes in the nails like dots, streaks in and under the nails, pale or white nails and clubbing can signify liver or lung cancer.

17-Swelling in the face

This sign accompanied with redness and puffiness can signify that there is a presence of small tumors in your lungs that are blocking the blood flow which leads to your face.

18-Sore lumps that don’t heal

The 3 types of skin cancer that may cause these sore lumps to appear on your skin are melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These lumps skin bleed easily and don’t heal.

19-Pain in the back and lower right side

This may be a sign of liver cancer, but also indicate breast cancer because some breast tumors press backwards into the chest.

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