17 Signs of Mold Illness (And How to Tell If You’re At Risk)

CIRS Defined

According to experts, one should meet the next criteria to be diagnosed with CIRS:

  1. History, symptoms, and signs consistent with exposure to biotoxins. History should contain toxin-producing molds exposure as documented by the EPA-approved Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) test. In different cases like ciguatera, microcystin, etc. history should contain laboratory evidence of exposure or likely exposure.
  2. A genetic predisposition to an illness related to biotoxins, based on an HLA susceptible haplotype identification.
  3. Documented abnormalities from Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) testing.
  4. Biomarkers consistent with the endocrine, vascular, and neuroimmune abnormalities which characterize the Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Those with a history consistent with an abnormal VCS test, a susceptible genotype, and biotoxin exposure have higher chances to show the laboratory abnormalities seen in Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Further criteria are still being investigated.

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