1. Raw Garlic

–           Garlic is of a great help for different health problems, including a toothache. It is rich with allicin, which helps with destroying any kind of bacteria or infection in the mouth. Make sure to always use raw garlic, because the heat changes its properties. Crush a clove of garlic and leave it 15 minutes so it can release its beneficial properties. After that, you can mix it with salt and apply it on the painful spot, or chew it at the affected area.
Proceed with one of the treatments 2-3 times during the day

  1. Myrrh

–           Experts say myrrh’s properties help with inflammation, and used as a rinse It can reduce bacteria. Make a mix of one teaspoon of powdered myrrh with two cups of hot water. Leave it to cool off, after that use it as a rinse up to six times per day. Always do the rinse after eating. You can also mix a myrrh tincture with water and use a cotton ball to soak it in and apply it on the aching tooth. This treatment is only for a short-term use, do not use it for longer periods because it can result in kidney damage.

  1. Vanilla extract

–           As confirmed by Arizona Family Dental, the vanilla extract can be mixed with alcohol, to help release its beneficial properties immediately. To treat a toothache, apply vanilla extract on your finger and massage both the tooth and gums. Do this two to three times a day.
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