How to make rose water at home

Benefits of rose water for skin and hair

  • Adds a nice glow to your skin and shine to your hair.
  • Helps reduce dandruff and soothes the scalp.
  • Helps reduce acne and unclogs pores.
  • Rose water helps relieve sun burn on the skin and scalp.

You will need:

  • 1 cup of rose petals ( about 2 roses)
  • Vitamin E oil (optional)
  • Spray bottle

To Make:

Rinse rose petals thoroughly with water to clean it, place the cleaned rose petals in a bowl. Fill the bowl with water ( bottled or distilled water) just enough to cover the petals.
Cover the lid and simmer on very low flame. Allow it to steam until the petals have lost its color.
Store the water in a container and refrigerate. For added benefits add a few drops of vitamin E oil to the rose-water. Vitamin E helps to protect the skin, keeping it soft and youthful.

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