How to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs in 5 Easy Steps


What are Strawberry Legs

Strawberry legs is a colloquial term that basically describe as darkened pores or small bumps that are being trapped in hair follicles. Like an imprisoned grimes of blackheads or “open comedones” filled with dead skin, bacteria & oil.
Though these black dots are harmless, their appearance can be bothersome, making you feel conscious and  if you have tanned or olive skin, they look more visible.

Causes of Strawberry Legs

The most common causes of strawberry legs are sweat or sebum build-up clogging the hair follicles.
Also, not cleaning the razor before and after every use with alcohol. Moreover, one of the causes is taking a hot shower, the steam from hot water can open up your pores.
1.) Enlarged Pores:These open comedones are caused by too much production of oil or sebum that normally clog the pores by trapping the dead skin and bacteria. Once they are exposed to air through the process of shaving, they magically oxidize and appear darker.
2.) Folliculitis:Is caused by follicle irritation triggered by shaving and the presence of ingrown hairs. The hair follicles under the skin may have a tough time penetrating back through the skin again after shaving. Hence, creating a blockage that can result in redness, small bumps, irritations as well as dark pores.
3.) Keratosis Pilaris:Also known as “chicken skin”, keratosis pilaris is when the skin produces too much keratin and blocks hair follicles, causing bumps on the skin to develop.

How to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs

These dark pores on legs can occur in other parts of the body such as the arms and buttocks but they are mainly found on legs as those are often shaved the most.
But the good news is, your existing strawberry legs dilemma can be treated and prevented from happening again once you’ll develop a daily good cleansing routine.
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